Monday, 17 February 2025

Lichen Embroidery

Originally, I had printed some gelli prints onto fabric, based on pebbles that were stuck in grykes. While I really liked some of them, they weren't finished pieces of work really, so they just ended up in another pile of stuff! So I decided to cut some of them up and patchwork them together and then start sewing and see what happened - there was no plan, no envisaged end point just a process. I kept working at it, determined to make something out of nothing and here it is: 

Yes there are things I would change, but I have no intention of doing another similar one! Some elements though will be includied in forthcoming work. It will be framed, with a simple wooden dark grey frame...I'll add a photo to the blog, if I remember when it gets framed. In the meantime ..some details. The lichens aren't species specific just a general impression....

..and a photo of before the piece progressed too far ...showing more of the gelli prints...

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