Thursday, 20 February 2025

Welney WWT reserve

A new reserve for us, and's impressive. The infra structure by way of hides etc was great and there were many, many birds. Most notably for us: it was great to see so many Whooper Swans, but even better to see Bewick Swans amongst them and to be able to identify them. A distant view of a Black-necked Grebe, together with many Wigeon, Teal, Coot and a couple of Great-Crested Grebes completed the set. (Although I have labelled this post Norfolk - it's actually Cambridgeshire.) 

Hiding behind a mound of sugar beet to view a large flock of Whooper Swans as we approached the reserve. 

It was nice to see pollarded willows again.

Luckily for us, something or someone, put up the Whooper flock, so they flew overhead into the reserve.

Sleeping Wigeon.

Snipe..well camouflaged. 

Never having seen a Bewick Swan before, it was really helpful when one was wearing a neck collar and swimming directly below a it's position was easily described! 

We then became more confident in identification - based on size and the proportion of black on the beak. Birds 1 and 3 from the left are Bewicks.

Spot the Bewicks ...

Take off...Whoopers.

Pochard - there were approx 300 males. There were 6 females - the rest would be in warmer climes!  

Waiting for the 'swan feed'. It was amazing how evenly spaced the Pochard were - acting like repelling magnets on the water as they swam around. 

Feeding time and the Mallard appear! 

Sunset over Welney - in the summer these are dry fields. 

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