Saturday, 8 February 2025

Moray Meander (II)

After Lossiemouth we continued along to Burghead where the sun continued to shine. In such glorious weather, the resident Long-tailed Ducks were out at sea, rather than in the harbour - nice to see. After that a walk out at Roseisle, where we had a splendid ten minutes as a flock of Crested Tits, accompanied by a Crossbill, flew around in the pines infront of us. 

The Moray Firth.


In the harbour: Triassic sandstone  (240 million years old) - deposited by an ancient river system.  

...layers of sands and gravels within the deposit. 


Long-tailed Ducks.

Walking through the pines at Roseisle.

You'll have to take my word for it that there are Crested Tits and a Crossbill in the photo! 

Late afternoon light as we walked back ...tank traps on the beach.

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