Friday 20 March 2020

A response to a poem....

Susan Cartwright Smith has just written this poem while self isolating ....

There is peace in a blue sky
With scudding clouds
Floretting and mackerelling
In dappled speckled sunspot freckling
Warmth breaking through
To banish winter white skin.
Crinkled eyes on upturned face
To drunk in golden nectar
Through storm-parched pores.
The birds on dates to gather strength
And usher in
A hopeful spring.
The lowering light of rainclouds
Ever present
Bending leggy daffs
Still turning to the hidden sun.
Do we dare believe the wheel is turning?
Dare believe the storms will pass?
Relax into the winter waning,
Despite the grizzled scribbles
On the edge of horizon?
There is enchantment
In this land we must believe in
Must believe our circle songs
Continue and not refrain.
The season of storms is fading
And soon will leave us
And birdsong.

A perfect opportunity to do some art work. In light of the current corona virus situation and the discontinuation of my courses I've set up a fb group of local artists and am setting regular challenges ...producing a response to this was our first challenge.  Hopefully it will cheer people up, enable us to keep in contact and reduce rural isolation issues. 

Here is my interpretation - one piece of experimental work ....not very good, but some nicer small sections of it. Good fun and outside of my comfort zone! 

The full experiment...followed by the details ....

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