Sunday 11 August 2024

In search of Cloudberry (Rubus Chamaemorus)

Tom had seen reports of Cloudberry being in Cumbria's Northern Fells, so on a rather warm day we set off on what potentially could have been a wild goose chase. But armed with a ten figure grid reference we were soon able to locate quite a decent patch  - something to keep an eye out for on future walks. Time was limited, so it was a strenuous walk up beside Grainsgill Beck and out onto the Cumbrian Way, just below Lingy Hut. Then a meander over Coomb Height to the site, before a steep decent down the nose of Coombe Height, with plenty of rather tall bracken! 

Looking up Grainsgill Beck.

Looking back down Swineside.

Across to Carrock Fell.

Across to Bannerdale and Blencathra.

Cloudberry and below...


Before the drop off down to the valley.

About to descend.

Luxurious Bracken.

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