Saturday 17 August 2024

Whin Rigg and Illgill Head

Another day on the fells ...this time down west. We parked at the disused quarry on the road round Irton Pike and headed up from that little quarry through the woodland and out onto Irton Fell. A boggy path onto Whin Rigg and ok ish views - the cloud was down on the big tops but we had decent views at lower levels. A reasonable breeze but not too windy. Heading along the ridge towards Illgill Head we passed a couple of lovely tarns with unbranched bur-reed. Along to the summit of Illgill Head for lunch, where we hunkered down behind the small cairn before returning. the highlight on the return - finding Stag's-horn Clubmoss....and some Chanterelles for tea! 

A Gatekeeper - first one I've seen this year. 

On the way up Whin Rigg ...with Yewbarrow to the right of centre.

Rocky and Rowan (look at that tongue) on Whin Rigg. 

The ridge along to Illhead.

Unbranched bur-reed.

And Illhead. 

Looking down over Waswater.

Looking down the screes.


The cloud came down just after we left. 

Stag's-horn Clubmoss...not common.

A lovely strand of Stag's-horn Clubmoss. 


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