Friday 26 July 2024

Solway Sabellaria

Low tide and a potentially nice morning, so off down to the Sabellaria reef in the Solway. Sabellaria or the Honey-comb Worm forms a unique landscape that is home to a wide range of marine life. 

Looking across to Criffel in Scotland. 

A dropping tide....

Sabellaria reef with Bread-crumb sponges.

Clear and warm water....

More Saballaria and Bread-crumb Sponges.

Close up of the honey-comb structures of the reef. 

Dahlia Anemone; decorating itself with shell fragments - for camouflage. 

Not a great picture, but the Dahlia Anemone had its tentacles out - the wind was blowing at this stage and the sun wasn't out. 

Spider-crab sp. 

Sea Scorpion; Corkwing Wrasse and a lovely Great Pipe-fish. 

Time to depart. 

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