Sunday 17 February 2019

Helm Crag to Steel Fell horseshoe

An absolutely glorious horseshoe! We started off in Grasmere where the machine in the main car park was broken, apparently even if you take a photo of the sign - you still get fined - so we parked on the roadside at the base of Dunmail Raise. In retrospect this was a better plan as we came off the fell close to the car and it saved us £8. Walking through Grasmere and up Easedale road the weather looked promising, but as we climbed up the stone clad path to Helm Crag it soon deteriorated - hence the first few photos (on the phone) are a bit blurry as it was a tad breezy again with the odd spots of rain. The path up to Helm Crag was well constructed and quickly gained us high. The summit was lovely and I like Bill Birkett's description ' the rocky cock's comb of Helm Crag stands loftily ....' After that a good stretch out to Gibson Knott - nice undulating terrain with only the odd damp patch. Then onto Calf Crag and across the peat bog, following the line of old fence posts that marked the old Cumberland / Westmorland boundary,  before stepping out to Steel Crag. The weather then cleared a little and there were lovely views over Thirlmere and back around the horseshoe. We saw relatively few people but I suspect this route may be somewhat more busy, but worthwhile, in the summer!

Helm Crag - the Lion and Lamb.

Blurred pictures taken around Gibson Knott in the damp breeze! 

The four summits.
Helm Crag and Gibson Knott - top and Calf Crag and Steel Fell - bottom. 

On Steel Fell ...the sun made a brief appearance.

A tad breezy again! 
General views of the horseshoe. 

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