Saturday 16 February 2019

Herdus, Great Borne, Starling Dodd and Little Dodd in a gale!

How can the weather be so different? Today we went spent most of the day, literally being barely able to stand up and actually being physically blown over on one occasion and back home it's positively calm! A great walk (I think!) - a steep start up Herdus where I'm sure the ridge would have given spectacular views ...and from its summit. 

Looking back down Herus ridge from the summit.

Crossing to Great Borne - there was little to see - apart from this brief glimpse through the clouds - spot the lake! ..the summit plateau was lovely though - nice and rocky and lichen clad - the rain was less pleasant though backed by a very strong wind.  

From Great Borne we followed the obvious path to Starling Dodd where what had been a challenging wind became faintly ridiculous and we were glad to see that others were having difficulty walking too! Then onto Little Dodd, still in cloud, and to hopefully find the path down. Not very easy in the conditions but walking to the edge we just made out what had to be the only possible way down - a tongue of grass and bracken leading to a gap in the conifers. Thankfully on beginning to descend we spotted some cairns and the rest was plain sailing as they say. Then the clouds cleared a bit and we even had a view. 

When the dog, who knows he has to sit by cairns for photos refuses to do anything other than hide from the elements! 

and finally descent and views down into Ennerdale.

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