Friday 17 May 2024

A most splendid day walking Jura (1).

One of our favourite walks is on Jura. Taking the ferry as foot passengers we then walk north along the coast to Inver cottge, before taking the track inland and up past Loch a Chnuic Bhric, then after a while there is a fork in the track and a path leads you down to some superb beachesnorth of Rubha Aoineadh an Reithe. After exploring these we then return along  the beaches and cliff top south and back to the ferry. In all about 9 miles - over pretty rough ground. A grand day out which I'll divide into 3 blogs ...

The outward walk: 

Looking up the Sound of Jura towards Inver Cottage - which is being done up big style.

Our track that skirts the Paps of Jura. 

We've never been to Islay/Jura in the first couple of weeks of May - the Bluebells have been stunning and are everywhere. 

Heading down to the beach; looking across to Islay. 

Looking north along the coast. 

Crystal clear waters, with Islay and Rhuvaal lighthouse in the distance. 

The coast is broken down into bays, by the dykes - igneous intrusions. 

Rocky the dog. 

The bay...


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