Tuesday 7 May 2024

Classic Teesdale

Last week we took a punt and were lucky with the weather - despite a 30% chance of rain and guaranteed black clouds - it was bright enough for the Spring Gentians to be out, and although it was earlier than our usual visits, there was a really good display of  them next to the river. ....but that's another blog! We did our usual walk from Hangingshaw, down to  the river and along the Pennine Way, along Falcon Clints, up Cauldron Snout, down to Langdon Beck and back to the car. The cloud was down and it was windy - still lovely! 

One of my favourite properties in the Dale. 

Plentiful Gentians.

The lack of sunshine made the Gentians easier to photograph.

Mountain Pansy...and below...

Bird's-eye Primrose - and below. 

Red Grouse.

Alpine Bartsia - just coming into flower...

Falcon Clints - and once again we did see Ring Ouzels - infact two - so qualifying for the family call of: 'Twoozels!'

Cauldron Snout...quite a scramble for Rocky...

The view across Cow Green. 

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