Thursday 23 May 2024

Bittern Bonanza...

After going to see the Green-winged Orchids at Silverdale Lots we popped in to Leighton Moss. We hadn't intended to, as we had the dog with us, but it was overcast, so we could leave him in the car for a wee while. And wow ...we hadn't expected to see anything special, with a lot of the ducks having left for the continent, however..... three different Bitterns in flight..Wow!...oh, and a couple of Bearded Reedlings flew over the reed tops too.

The first view of Bitterns was a pair flying over the reeds and then the third was a solitary bird. 

The reserve looked quite different from our last visit...lots of Yellow-flag Iris out in flower.

Great-crested Grebe on the nest.

In the centre of the photo there are two birds - Bitterns.

Bittern..and below...

..and one of several Marsh Harriers.

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