Thursday 20 June 2024

199 Spotted Flycatcher

After our visit to Longtown and our Yellow Wagtail we headed up to Langholme and the Laverock Hide. Laverock Hide is on the single track road to Cronksbank. We parked at the hide and headed down to the river, crossing lovely marshy lands with lots of Foxgloves and Thistles - and a couple of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries. Down by the river we were treated to a super display of Spotted Flycatchers doing what the do.... In addition it was nice to see a Grey Wagtail - contrasting with the Yellow Wagtail we had seen earlier in the day. Given the colour of the sky - we headed back to the hide. arriving just as the first large raindrops heralded the arrival of a downpour! 

Through the Thistles - Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary.

Spotted Flycatcher ....and below.

Spotted Flycatcher is our 199th UK bird species of the idea what 200 will be!

Grey Wagtail.

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