Saturday 8 June 2024

Cronkley Fell flowers

In addition to the Mountain Avens it was good to see: Northern Marsh and Early Marsh Orchids, Tway Blade and Common Spotted-orchid; Alpine Bistort, Scottish Asphodel, Wood crane's-bill, Globe Flower, Shrubby Cinquefoil, Spring Sandwort; Hoary Rock-rose and Common Rock-rose and Mountain Everlasting in flower. Also - plenty of Lesser Club Moss and nice to see Rock Whitebeam and Juniper with berries. Oh and many, many Mountain Pansies ....a favourite of mine - hence the photos!

Wood Crane's-bill.

Early Marsh, Twayblade and Common Spotted-Orchid.

Globe Flower and Red Campion.

Mountain Pansies - and below...

Scottish Asphodel.

Spring Sandwort.

Hoary Rock-rose with a single Rock-rose flower. 

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