Saturday 8 June 2024

Cronkley Fell and Mountain Avens

A favourite walk: Bowlees - Low Force - High Force - The Green Trod - Cronkley Fell and back. The forecast was OK ish and we got lucky! Sunny but very windy - warm out of the wind, but flipping freezing higher up! 

Our objective: to see if the Mountain Avens was out. In 2022 we went up onto Cronkley and it was just going past its best on the 22nd June....were we too early? Absolutley not was just going past its best, this time two weeks earlier. 

As always I took too many photos, so I'll leave the other plants until the next blog....

Low Force.

Holwick Head.

High Force.

Looking towards Cronkley.

Mountain Pansies and Juniper.

looking back down 'The Green Trod'. 

Mountain Avens - and below. 

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