Saturday 1 June 2024

Lamonby verges

Unusually, this is my first trip to these verges - actually I tell a lie - when we went a month ago an indigo sky deposited cold, wet hail on us, so we retreated! This time it was cool with a stiff breeze, but the Bird's-eye Primrose was superb, as were the Globe Flowers!  

In the distance a clump of Globe Flowers illuminated beautifully by the light...

Sadly, by the time I got there, the sun went in! 

..and a second clump.

Bird's -eye Primrose...and below. 

Twayblade..and close up....

Wood Crane's-bill. 

Hawthorn still in flower. 

Quaking Grass just coming out. 

Butterwort and Northern Marsh Orchid. 

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