Tuesday 18 June 2024

Pyramidal Orchids and Broomrapes (I)

With a fishing boat in,  another visit to Maryport was required - Langoustine for tea again thanks to the Chelaris! Anyway a chance for a meander and catch up with how the orchids are doing. The Northern Marsh are over but the Common Spotted-orchids are just coming out. Plenty of hybrid Northern Marsh x Common Spotted-orchids. There are hundreds of Pyramidal Orchids and a few Bee orchids left that are just on their last legs. The Broomrapes - Common and Purple are both out as were a few Small Blue Butterflies. The whole assemblage was beautiful...a few general pictures to start with - specific species follow in the next blog.....

Behind the marina.

Colour - Kidney Vetch with some kind of Hawkbit, a few Tufted Vetch and Red Clover - grasses in seed. 

Common Spotted-orchids.

Pyramidal Orchids and below...

Bloody Crane's-bill.


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