Thursday 6 June 2024

Hodbarrow Terns

Hodbarrow RSPB reserve is an old iron mine that is now a lagoon and home to a breeding Sandwich, Little and Common Tern this time of year, it's a hive of activity! We parked at the RSPB carpark and walked clockwise round the lagoon to the lighthouse and hide. We then continued round the lagoon to the caravan park - once in the park - head up to the 'Herdwick' and along the road - a footpath to the right takes you back to the carpark. This saves you a lot of meandering around the caravan park looking for the footpath! 

The lagoon.

The lighthouse.

Bee Orchid f.belgarum, in amomgst the Kidney Vetch. Note the more oval shaped lipwith the lower part slightly twisted and a simple here for another example .

A mixture of Red-breasted Mergansers, Eider Ducks and Cormorant.

Sandwich Terns.

Eider Duck and ducklings. 

Bath time! 

Bee Orchid. 


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