Saturday 15 June 2024

Tarn Sike Marsh-orchids

A 'damp/wet' day, which mercifully dried up for a brief moment allowing us to see and photograph the orchids at Tarn Sike. A splendid place - lots and lots of Bird's-eye Primrose, Marsh Lousewort and Marsh Cinquefoil...and orchids. 

Damp and boggy.


Bird's-eye Primrose and below.

Early Marsh (var. incarnarta) ; the hybrid; Northern Marsh.

Early Marsh-orchid (var. Incarnata).

Northern Marsh-orchid.

The hybrid of Northern and Early Marsh-orchid.

Northern Marsh-orchid and Bird's-eye Primrose.

..and what we presume to be a very vigorous Northern Marsh-orchid. 

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